Sunday, April 10, 2011

Weekend Warriors

After a late night last night, I finally got enough steam to head over to the Dog Park this morning/afternoon with Achilles. He literally almost dragged me there he was so excited to go.

On the weekends, the Park is pretty empty during the day. I think it's equally as empty at night, but there are usually more DPGers during the evening, so it seems more full then. For whatever reason, the people that tend to come on the weekends are either very strange or seem to be generally clueless about how a dog park operates.

Example 1:
When I arrived at the park today, there was a family of four, who had decided to bring lunch into the park and eat it at one of the tables. I'm no rocket scientist, but perhaps bringing food into the park isn't the best idea with a bunch of hungry animals. Today, the family was spared doggie wrath, mainly because there were very few dogs there, but I've definitely seen people bring food in that they don't get to finish.

Example 2:
Latino guy wearing short shorts brings his dog in a few minutes after I sit down. He then proceeds to parade his dog around the park on-leash while all the other dogs are trying to play with his dog and his dog is trying to play. Dude! Let your dog off the leash. It's a dog park.

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